We Care About Your Car TRUCK
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Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer and Injury Attorneys
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What We Do
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Auto Maintenance Services
Brake Repair Pads & Rotors
Shocks, Struts Replacement
System Diagnosis & Repair
Air Conditioning Services
Tires & Wheel Balancing
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Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer and Injury Attorneys
The majority of personal injury cases in the U.S. court system pertain to car and truck accidents. There is a great chance that you have probably been involved in one in the past five years, perhaps several crashes during that time.
Our roads can seem like a very unsafe place as you drive and see the many accidents that occur to your left and right. The causes of these accidents vary; improperly maintained roads can be a factor, as can poorly marked signs or defective parts in vehicles. However, the #1 reason, far and away, is driver negligence.
Should you have to foot the bill for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering just because the other driver suddenly said that you were at fault? Of course not. Let an L.A. personal injury lawyer help you to navigate the court system and get you the compensation that you deserve.
The only element of life in Los Angeles that might be more famous than Hollywood and its stars is the legendary traffic. All of those vehicles crammed into a few popular streets and highways make accidents a likely occurrence.
You know what it’s like to drive around L.A.: the freeways are jammed and drivers get impatient, tourists drive rental cars looking for the homes of stars and don’t keep their eyes on the road, people zoom home from the beach and add to the dangerous conditions.
Whether it be the Hollywood Freeway heading into the hills or the Santa Ana Freeway feeding into the city, cars are on the road in L.A. at almost all hours of the day and night. The Rosa Parks Freeway feeds straight into downtown, where the Fashion District hosts millions of tourists from around the world. Within the city limits, Main, Broadway and Maple streets attract long lines of vehicles as well.
If you are living in or visiting the City of Angels and are involved in a vehicle accident, be sure to hire legal representation, even if you don’t think it’s necessary. It doesn’t matter if the other driver admitted fault at the accident scene; motorists often change their mind about fault once they discover how high their deductibles are and how much their insurance rates will rise. As a result, drivers often take their cases to court to prove that the accident was at least partly the fault of the other driver–you.
Insurance companies can be formidable adversaries as well. They want to settle as quickly and as cheaply as possible. A small investment in a Los Angeles car accident lawyer can yield an outstanding dividend as you get the compensation you need to pay medical bills and other expenses.
Call for a free consultation now and look for an L.A. personal injury law firm that argues against insurance companies, not for them. By contacting a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles, you can avoid the possibility of myriad bills and no way to pay for them.
With the help of a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer , you can re-construct what really happened on the day of your accident and ensure that the proper parties face justice. Don’t let your car accident turn into a bigger headache than it already is.
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If you were not at complete fault after a truck accident (in many cases the fault is partly or completely the truck driver’s), you have the right to be compensated for your injuries by filing a lawsuit against the driver at fault to cover all of your costs and the damages incurred.
Some truck accidents unfortunately result in the death of victims involved. No price tag can be attached to someone’s life, of course, but an L.A. injury lawyer can ensure that the bereaved receive appropriate compensation. Only a lawyer can handle a wrongful death victims’ case.
Causes of truck accidents
Truck accidents occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from poor maintenance to brake failure or flat tires; the driver’s negligence; failure to follow signs and speeding; driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol; distraction from texting or talking on a phone; the huge blind spot that trucks have, even overloaded or improperly balanced trucks.
Some truck accidents unfortunately result in the death of victims involved. No price tag can be attached to someone’s life, of course, but an L.A. injury lawyer can ensure that the bereaved receive appropriate compensation. Only a lawyer can handle a wrongful death victims’ case.
Causes of truck accidents
Truck accidents occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from poor maintenance to brake failure or flat tires; the driver’s negligence; failure to follow signs and speeding; driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol; distraction from texting or talking on a phone; the huge blind spot that trucks have, even overloaded or improperly balanced trucks.
• Get a copy of the police report. If you are not seriously injured, wait for the police to come to the scene and ask for a full report.
• Record the truck driver’s and witnesses’ contact information, including license number and insurance company information.
• Do not talk to anyone except your lawyer about the accident. Whatever you say to anyone else might be used against you and could complicate your lawsuit.
• Do not sign any papers for a settlement with the insurance company. Wait for your personal injury attorney and explain your situation to him or her.
• Gather as much evidence as possible, including pictures of the damaged truck and the injured victims, including you.
• See a medical physician for an examination, even if you feel unhurt. You may have internal injuries that can cause pain in the long term. You can use your doctor’s examination to verify injuries; this will help during the trial.
Finally, you want to seek out an experienced personal injury attorney in Los Angeles who has handled such cases. S/he will guide you on what to do and work hard to get you the compensation that is rightly yours.
Bus accidents can be very serious because the passengers are often thrown around inside of the bus and can collide with many different objects and surfaces. They are rarely minor affairs. For that reason, if you have been the victim of a bus accident and have suffered serious injuries, you need to contact an L.A. bus accident lawyer.
Liability issues in bus accidents are extremely complicated because buses are often owned by government entities. You will need a personal injury lawyer to handle the case. Other buses are owned by private companies, schools and tour operations.
Buses and their owners are liable for personal injuries to passengers, so your L.A. accident attorney will file a claim against the bus company to get you the compensation that you deserve. If the bus is owned by a private company, the accident is usually considered to be the driver’s fault.
If the bus is owned by a government entity, however, then the government may grant immunity to a bus driver. That means that the bus itself will have to be found liable for personal injuries. That can involve questioning the vehicle’s maintenance and safety record.
Bus accident causes
Bus accidents can be caused by driver negligence, speeding, poor maintenance, dangerous roadways, faulty emergency exits and driver error. An L.A. bus accident lawyer will work hard to make sure that the victims are compensated for their injuries and losses, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and emotional distress. In extreme cases, personal injury lawyers win compensation for wrongful deaths.
What to do after a bus accident
To give your claim the best chance at success, follow these steps:
• Visit a doctor, even if you feel “okay.” You might discover that you have internal injuries that will not reveal themselves until later. Bus accidents often involve an impact with a seat, another person or the roof and floor of the bus, perfect conditions for internal injuries. Have the doctor file each medical evaluation of your injuries. Your lawyer can use these evaluations to argue for your proper compensation.
• Don’t talk to anyone about the accident other than the law enforcement officers.
• Contact an experienced L.A. bus accident lawyer who will decide how to proceed and which lawsuits should be filed. This should be done quickly because government-related cases have short time limits for filing a claim.
• Record as much information as possible at the accident scene. Get the contact information for people involved in the accident and any witnesses. Make a copy of the information to hand off to your lawyer for further investigation.
• Do not sign any papers presented to you by any parties other than your lawyer, including any insurance companies. This will protect you and eliminate complications in the lawsuit.
Contact a Car accident Lawyer for a free consultation if you have been the victim in an accident. Get the compensation that you deserve through the assistance of an excellent personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles. Auto accidents are no fun and can become complicated affairs. Get the help you need to win your legal battles.
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